Nature's Trinity

Does Fit For Life Work?

Does Fit For Life work?

Let me tell you my story, and you be the judge…

Some years ago a friend of mine recommended I read a book called Fit For Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond and to follow the author’s advice. I was surprised by the content and how it made so much sense to follow the body’s Circadian Rhythm.

Fit For LifeOur whole body runs through cycles; it has nothing to do with what we eat, it is when we eat it and how it affects our health in some way.

Fit for life book discusses three main body cycles and the time frames we need to adhere to maintain a healthy body.

By applying these times described in this book to your diet or use the recipes supplied at the end of the book you will understand how the sequences work and why.

The times are set out in three stages;

  • Eating and digestion
  • Absorption and use
  • Body wastes and food debri

The myths I grew up with were to eat like a king for breakfast, like a queen for lunch and like a pauper for dinner. I have adopted my eating habits to the natural body’s cycle.

This book dispels the myths by advising readers to consume organically freshly blended fruit and make it first in the morning, do not eat anything else until noon as this helps the body to detoxify and is most effective when consumed first thing in the morning.

Read my article about “When Should Fruit Be Eaten”

It discusses the value of “plant” foods over meat and dairy products and how much protein we require.

I am delighted with the menu I have adopted and eat foods according to the body’s circadian rhythm.

Does Fit For Life work?  Yes, it most certainly does!


To the very best of your health,




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