Nature's Trinity

Sweet, Acidic Body Odour Solved!

There is a specific body odour which emanates a sweet acidic body odour smell, and I put up with it for many years.

In my twenties, to early thirties, I was using products to cover-up this repulsive smell, and instead of masking it as I thought it would, it made the odour worse.

Hygiene was not the issue, and I could not understand why I was still experiencing this body odour.

acidic body odour solvedIn my mid-thirties, I changed my diet to vegetarian and stopped eating the flesh of animals, including marine life; however, I still ate the by-products from animals such as dairy and eggs.

I read a book called “Don’t Drink Your Milk” by Dr Frank A Oski and Dr David Phillips. Immediately after reading this book, I stopped eating dairy foods.

Eggs and honey are no longer part of my plant-based diet—the reason why I had not mentioned honey before is that an insect makes it.

I noticed over some months that the acidic body odour sweet-smell was no longer present as it had been in the previous years.

I suspect it had to do with clean living and being on a meatless diet. For optimum health, I take supplements daily.

I do not use scented body sprays, perfumes or deodorants as I used to all those years ago. I learned that what we eat determines the outcome of our general wellbeing.

Julie Eden – Nature’s Trinity




  1. Julie eden

    Thank you Claude for sharing your experience regarding my article about your body odour and how you were able to resolve it.

  2. Claude

    I had been a meat eater for most of my life and suffered from bad body odor, I changed my diet to a vegetarian and find that I do not suffer from bad body odor any more, and also feel better knowing that I am not causing the slaughter of innocent animals just to please my craving for meat. I also wish to add that I feel a lot healthier and have more energy since changing my diet. Yours sincerely Claude


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