Why do people grind their teeth? If you’re suffering from teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) or know of someone that does, this article may help you…
Grinding of teeth can occur while the person suffering from this condition is out shopping, visiting a friend, driving and or they find themselves in a stressful situation, the grinding starts.
The sufferer of this condition may not be aware of this ongoing problem.
Common reasons why people grind their teeth
Teeth grinding is occasionally a complication of an allergy to a handful of medications such as anti-anxiety pills, for instance, have side effects that include jaw clenching or teeth gnashing.
Here are some symptoms associated with this condition;
1. Chronic stress
2. Anxiety
3. Depression
4. Eating disorders
5. Headaches
6. Earaches
Don’t stress your teeth by grinding!
What you can do to stop grinding your teeth
It is often caused by the symptoms mentioned above. Any relaxation technique that you can use during the day like stretching. Yoga, Tai Chi, taking a Hot Shower/Bath, Meditation sometime during the day and not just before bedtime should help in alleviating these symptoms.
Effects of long-term teeth grinding
Consistent grinding of the teeth will have detrimental effects on the teeth such as excessive wear, damage to the structure of the jaw line which supports the teeth; Teeth will become loose with the constant grinding and as we age our gums will recede.
It may push the teeth out of alignment, and the bite may need adjusting. The teeth will eventually become flattened which can lead to not being able to masticate the food without experiencing pain while the jaw moves to complete the process of the food.
I can sympathise with people who experience this type of pain as I have on and off suffered from excruciating pain myself. My jaw became dislocated by having a tooth extracted, and my jaw did not snap back to its original position.
I recently went to a Dentist, and he mentioned that my jaw is out of alignment – the only way I think I can get it back to its original position is by having surgery (no way).
Every now and again I would have to put up with the pain and I have found a way to combat it by applying gentle pressure with my finger tip and holding it for seven seconds and then releasing it (count to seven). If pain persists, I will use it again for the second time, until the pain subsides.
Personally, I do not believe in pain killers but, the choice is yours, and it is your body. If the pain persists see your healthcare professional.
PS A friend of mine suffers with this condition and she has no idea, how it started and why it is still ongoing.