Nature's Trinity

Mushrooms on Toast

Mushrooms on toast recipe contributed to Natures Trinity


(Serves 1 to 2)

Mushrooms on Toast

Mushrooms on Toast


  • Five hundred grams of whole mushrooms.
  • One whole brown-covered onion
  • Half a vegetable stock cube
  • Two slices of toasted wholemeal bread
  • Water
  • A small amount of extra virgin olive oil
  • A teaspoon of wholemeal plain flour



  1. To a non-stick frypan, add water to cover the base and a minimal amount of extra virgin olive oil.

2. Cut the onion into thin slices, separate it into rings and remove the brown skin before placing them into the non-stick frypan. Doing it this way will stop the vapour from the onion, causing the eyes to water.

3. Add whole mushrooms by thinly slicing them and spreading them evenly in the frypan.

4. Thinly slice the vegetable stock cube and spread it evenly across the pan.

5. Place two slices of wholemeal bread into the toaster until golden brown.

6. Add a teaspoon of wholemeal plain flour into a cup and mix with a small amount of water to form a paste.

7. Pour into the pan to create a thickened mushroom sauce.

8. Add a little more water if too much water has evaporated.

9. When the toast is ready, place both toasts on a dinner plate from corner to corner.

10. Use a serving spoon to scoop the mushrooms out of the frypan and onto the toast.

P.S. I use whole-button mushrooms because I have found that they keep fresher longer.



Julie Eden




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