Nature's Trinity

Lentil Bites

Lentil Bites

16 Lentil Bites


One cup of Basmati Rice
Two cups of water
400 grams of Lentils
One vegetable stock cube (I use the Massel Brand)
Two teaspoons of Orgran Easy Egg Replacer Powder
Four tablespoons of water
One teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
One heaped teaspoon of Italian Herb Mix
Half a large brown onion finely diced. Skin removed.
One bowl of cool water to rinse hands
Two tablespoons of Panko bread crumbs.

Step one:

Pour a cup of rice into a pot.
Add two cups of water and stir.
Add a heaped teaspoon of Italian herb mix and
Sprinkle evenly into the pot.
Add half a Massel vegetable stock cube, slice it, and place the pieces
around the inside of the pot of rice. Stir it!
Boil the contents until the water has nearly absorbed.
Remove from the heat to cool.

Step two:

Pour the lentils into a strainer and rinse until it runs clear.
Add the lentils to the rice and mix thoroughly.
Remove the brown skin from the onion and finely dice.
Add the finely diced onion to the rice and mix in.

Step three:

Water bowl for rinsing.
Please add the following ingredients to a separate container!
Two heaped teaspoons of Orgran egg replacer powder.
Four tablespoons of water and keep stirring until it thickens,
One teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil added to the powder.
Spoon this egg replacer into the pot of rice and mix in thoroughly.

Step four:

Spread the two tablespoons of Panko bread crumbs evenly on a cutting board.
Using a tablespoon, scoop the rice and lentil mixture into clean hands,
form it into a ball, and roll it into the Panko bread crumbs before placing it
into a non-stick frypan.
Cook on medium heat until a golden colour appears at the bottom of the lentil bites;
turn over and press lightly downwards. Cook until golden on both sides.
For every lentil bite completed, you may need to rinse your hands.
I hope you enjoy these lentil bites as much as my friends and I do,


Julie Eden



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