At the start of 2024, I was caught off guard by a series of falls. Each one was a sudden shock, a stark reminder of the constant need for safety in our daily mobility.
I tripped on a tree root that was exposed to the ground. Instinctively, I turned my body and landed on my buttocks in the cactus patch. There was no one around to call for help. I noticed branches hanging within my reach and tried to hoist myself off the ground; this idea was good but did not work because the branches I could reach did not have the strength to hold my body weight.
After what felt like an eternity, I managed to free myself from the cactus patch. The relief was palpable as I found solid ground and hoisted myself into an upright position. It was a small victory in a series of falls.
One day, while strolling through my garden as I often do, I found myself in an unexpected situation. Despite changing into what I thought were safe shoes, I soon found myself entangled with a sharp root. The shoe’s design, with no support in the upper or lower part, led to bruising and a three-week limp.
My last significant fall for 2024 happened when I walked to a friend’s unit. I found a car backing out of the visitor’s car space rather hurriedly and towards me. To get out of the way, I stepped back to allow the driver to
go. I turned to walk towards my friend’s unit, and in doing so, the right sole of the shoe separated from the top. When I turned, my shoe scraped along the ground, causing me to lose my balance. I fell, and my elbow impacted the concrete footpath.
Seeking medical advice, I learned that the impact had caused what the doctor described as a ‘floating bone’ in my elbow.
Only time heals!
Julie Eden