It’s important to develop a healthy mindset for weight loss and for the foods and chemicals you allow to enter into your body, especially when you decide to change your approach to making decisions about lifestyle changes.
Healthy Mindset for Weight Loss
It could be to do with the diet which won’t be something you will do overnight; it may take longer to make this important decision. Planning menus, which foods to replace or change your whole diet as I did.
If you have a family member and or spouse living with you, then you will need to discuss it with them as well. Will they be willing to change with you or will you be doing this on your own?
It may influence your decision as it is much easier for all to get involved, that way you will get the support that you need to persevere for this permanent change.
Healthy Mindset for the Foods You Consume
It’s not only the food that plays a significant role, but it also requires extra support especially these days because of petrochemicals and synthetic fertilisers destroy the mineral and vitamin content of our fruits and vegetables.
It is important to not only take a broad spectrum of vitamins which cannot function without colloidal minerals being present. So, if you take vitamins alone, you will not be successful in maintaining your health.
Travelling with a group of friends to and from work, every year they noticed on several occasions I did not suffer from flu symptoms as they did, and could not understand why I never caught the flu. I told them I took vitamins and minerals to support my health and I abstained from receiving flu vaccines. I am a strong believer in “Prevention is better than the cure.” But, I draw the line when it comes to flu vaccines.
What I think about the Flu Vaccines! I was led to believe that when I got a flu vaccine, it would prevent the flu from infecting my body and it would strengthen my immune system to further attacks. I’ve received two flu vaccines in my life – the first vaccine results as follows:
Two weeks after the first vaccine received, I suffered the worst flu which lasted eight weeks. These are the symptoms; Soreness, redness, swelling at the injection site, body aches, runny nose, sore throat, headache, cough, nausea and vomiting, fever and muscle aches.
Now I thought this was the result of my immune system not being robust enough to combat the flu virus.
The second year, in my opinion at that time I thought this flu vaccine had to work after all the discomfort I went through the previous year. Same scenario as the past year, I no longer have FLU VACCINES!
For years, I have abstained from having the flu vaccine and instead relied on alternative self-medication, and when I changed my diet over in 2013 from Vegetarian to Vegan, I no longer get the flu.
Best of health,
Julie Eden