In the past, I had heard from health experts to drink at least three liters of water per day. I spread these water drinks to cover a period of mid-morning, lunch, and mid-afternoon. After this coverage in my drinking routine, the release of water from my body was overwhelming.
I experienced more usage of the toilet during the day and evenings, releasing the intake of fluids taken during the day, and found I did not get my sleep quality during the night.
Something had to change! I reduced this intake of fluids to two liters a day, which was more manageable.
Unfortunately, it did not solve my problem.
An Indian Mystic called Sadhguru advised on a video about eating and drinking. It all made sense to me, and I immediately changed my drinking and eating habits.
Problem solved – Drink when thirsty! Eat when hungry!
I do not drink the two liters anymore and rely on drinking when I am thirsty.
Each person’s body works to a circadian rhythm, and not everyone will experience being thirsty or hungry simultaneously.
Do not overeat; eat slower and masticate the food thoroughly before swallowing it. It gives your body a chance to communicate it to the rest of the body system, telling you when it has reached its capacity.
I will explain briefly what happened to me. Before I knew this information about eating only when hungry and drinking when thirsty, I used to eat three primary meals plus the in-between meals.
I was only consciously aware of my eating habits and ate until I felt satisfied; I grew fatter and fatter. I drank water, sodas, coffee, tea, and herbal teas even when I was not experiencing thirst, just to be sociable.
I was eating junk food between meals just before retiring for the evening. Instead of the body’s energy going towards repairing and healing the body at rest, it redirected its energy towards digestion. Now, I do not eat or drink just before retiring. My drinking and eating cease before 7 p.m. each evening.
I also experienced days when I suffered without emptying the bowels. I went to the Doctor to get a prescription to assist in discharging this faecal matter to help in a cleanout. At the end course of these tablets, I went to get some more pills from my Doctor to stop the cleanout.
Since adopting this new way of drinking and eating, I have slimmed down considerably, and it is due to bowel emptying daily. I do not eat and drink as much as I used to, and I feel more energetic during the day.
My choice; the only liquid I drink now is pure water, freshly blended fruit, and occasionally, I drink coconut water. And of late, I have been drinking Sparkling Mineral Water.
So, I am giving my body a rest from overeating and drinking.
Morning breakfast: Smoothie
When the selected fruits are available, I make a smoothie each morning, enough to carry me through till lunchtime.
I expend my energy before lunch; hence my being able to
maintain my weight reduction.
Exercise, walking the dog, gardening, shopping, going to the beach, and walking barefoot for earthing. For those who do not know about it, “The Earthing” 2019 movie documentary reveals the science of grounding and how it affects the human body. Watch this movie on YouTube.
Please ensure that dogs, cats, or other animals have not contaminated the ground you choose for earthing.
To learn more about ground contamination, read an article called “What’s Eating You, Me and Everybody Else on the Inside.” If you can’t find it under this title, type “Parasites” into the search bar at the bottom of this article. Could you watch the video?
I research relevant information to inform people about a healthy body, mind, and spirit, my own experiences in life, and how I found a solution.
I am not a healthcare professional. I am an ordinary person who likes to share life experiences with others.
Concerned about your health? Please see your healthcare professional.
To the very best of your health,
Julie Eden