Nature's Trinity

Do You Experience Panic Attacks?

Panic AttacksPanic attacks usually manifests with shortness of breath and or difficulty in breathing it gives the individual suffering from this condition that it is serious and that they need to see their doctor.

Panic attacks explained

A doctor once told me about this symptom and said it is something that comes up from the subconscious such as an unpleasant situation and re-surfaces into the conscious mind and it causes panic attacks.

How to overcome a Panic Attacks

I was advised by this doctor how to overcome a panic attack when it occurs again. Use the breathing techniques in yoga he said, slow down and breathe in and out as you would normally without the panic attack.

It worked!

What other reasons are there for a panic attack…

1. A fearful expectation of failure when studying for an important exam
2. Helplessness
3. Depression
4. Intense fear
5. Anxiety
6. Mental disorder
7. Relationships
8. Feelings of unreality

Yoga helps to relieve many conditions.

A few doctors may refer you to take up yoga to treat a particular condition, however, get a qualified doctor to diagnose the problem correctly.



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