We commonly believe that we live only one life on earth. There is much relevant evidence to suggest that we live many lifetimes before we return to the absolute. This is commonly referred to as reincarnation.
As the whole universe goes through an evolution, so do we with the spirit body within us ( which is the only part of us which survives after death). The divine purpose is to evolve it, reincarnation after reincarnation until we have become perfect.
Those who do not learn their instruction and fall into a state of degradation may be reincarnated into an animal or lower form of life and learn their lesson through the experience of “suffering”.
We gather experience and knowledge in each incarnation, which may manifest as intelligence or outstanding talent in some particular field. Sometimes an experience is so profound, that it demonstrates as a genius, like composers of classical music, or the creators of great works of art, indicate.
The more knowledge and wisdom we have already absorbed into our subconscious mind or spirit body (Plato called it ‘soul’), the more experience and understanding we attract. It makes itself manifest through our interests and aspirations. The firmer it is in our minds, the more confident we will find our increasing needs for further spiritual growth towards perfection.
But this state of perfection does not come quickly. Our thoughts and deeds are tangible things and retained (good or bad) in our subconscious mind or spirit body, the memory of which is taken over into another life to find its retribution or Karma.
Good deeds and good thoughts and evil deeds and evil thoughts punish themselves. This reward or punishment does not come from some unknown deity, but from ourselves. Our choices in life are subconsciously and intuitively conditioned by previous experiences. Why do we not remember the experience of an earlier reincarnations?
The subconscious memory does not burden itself with unnecessary details and only the effects of those previous experiences retained. Even disease is the result of Karma. That is why sometimes ‘innocent’ people suffer. A condition is the result of sin.
Another argument for reincarnation – the rebirth of the spirit – is: What makes us do and say and make our choices in life? Does the subconscious prompt it? Is this not an indication that there is a reason for it? The right to find our Karma in the next life?
Why do some people comprehend better than others and what causes our thoughts, actions and choices in life but the result of a previous existence Is it due to some predisposed condition inherited from an earlier life or lives? I think so!
What determines reincarnation – this rebirth into another life – and how does it occur? It begins with sperm on conception; the sperm which is the seed or genus of the individual and it ensures the identity of each rebirth. It is the sperm which is the future person, and the ovum is merely the food for the embryo.
The actual process of incarnation takes place during and after birth with the breathing – in of the spiritual atoms which constitute our spirit bodies, residing, after previous lives, in the spiritual universe.
Author: Yolanda A. Eden (1928- 2018)