Have you ever considered what is the natural way of breathing? Have you observed babies or animals sleeping and noticed none have their mouths open. They appear to be breathing in and out of their noses.
When a child becomes an adult, some acquire a different way of breathing. I also experienced a form of mouth breathing and did not give it much thought about what it was doing to my health.
Breathing should be an automatic biological process when done correctly. It oxygenates the whole body system. When the air flows through the nose, the atmosphere is warmed, moistened and filtered, whereas breathing by mouth this does not happen.
Hair naturally grows inside our noses for the reasons mentioned above and
should the length be visible outside the nose then trim it; otherwise, if you cut inside the nose or use a wax stick to remove the hair it will not serve its purpose? When breathing by mouth, there is no way that filtering can take place for obvious reasons.
Not long ago I was suffering from a dry mouth and found a solution by applying tape to my lips to stop my mouth opening when I was sleeping. This method trained my body to keep my mouth shut at night, and it also contributed to the way I breathe during the day. Without thinking about it, I now inhale and exhale through my nose.
Buteyko Breathing
Konstantin Buteyko, a Russian Doctor, analysed breathing of hundreds of patients during the 1950s and he observed that as a disease worsened, breathing accelerated. His reasoning was if the disease alters breathing, perhaps controlling breathing will relieve the condition.
For further information watch this video:
Since changing my breathing pattern, I now find I have more stamina and can complete a much longer walk without feeling breathless. Since switching to nasal breathing, I enjoy a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed every morning.
To your health and wellbeing,
Julie Eden