Another topic worthy of discussion here is Lugol’s Iodine and what it can do for our health.
First of all people need to do their own research because it may vary according to peoples needs for iodine. It is extremely rare for people to have an allergy towards Iodine, and if you do, do not use Lugol’s Iodine.
Elaine Hollingsworth goes on to say that since iodine was removed from our food supply, cancer rates have tripled, and breast cancers is a frightening example. Many doctors whose work she has researched are convinced that keeping the iodine level up is by far the best prevention for breast symptoms of any kind. Further, once problems exist, even if advanced, iodine can cure, not the other medical interventions that create havoc and spread cancer cells.
Elaine Hollingsworth has done the research on a lot of health issues and it is all discussed in her book called
Take Control Of Your Health and Escape The Sickness Industry. More on Iodine and how it can reverse conditions plaguing our society today and what you can do about it if you are suffering with any condition that you cannot find a solution to. Read Elaine Hollingsworth book and get Lugol’s Iodine which is presently on offer with this book.
My testimonial for Lugol’s Iodine…
A friend of mine advised me that I may have an iodine deficiency because of my hands and feet being so cold. She placed a drop on the inside of my arm to see how long the iodine would stay on. It faded sooner than I had expected and she told me my body was craving for the iodine that is why it absorbed so quickly. She also performed a test on her skin and it took till the very next day for the iodine to fade. The difference was she takes iodine every day and her body has a sufficient supply.
I have now been taking Lugol’s Iodine for 12 months (two drops) and have noticed how my feet and hands have warmed since taking iodine, vast improvement on memory and my brain has sharpened. Not dull and foggy like it used to be.