This article is a follow up of the previous article I wrote about Lugol’s Iodine, which you can read here.
I forgot to mention about the temperature of the body, by using a thermometer every morning before arising to measure the body’s temperature at rest.
I took a thermometer and shook it down the previous evening and placed it next to my bed so the moment I woke up in the morning, I placed it under the armpit for ten minutes, after this time I removed it to note the results. For three consecutive mornings, I noticed that my temperature was much too low.
According to the information from Elaine Hollingsworth’s Book “Take Control Of Your Health and Escape The Sickness Industry“, my body heat should have been consistently at 36.4 to 36.8 Celsius or 97.8 to 98.2 Fahrenheit. If your body continuously displays these temperatures then, you have a well-functioning thyroid gland.
Below these temperatures – Elaine says urgent measures to bring it up to speed. So without hesitation, I started taking Lugol’s Iodine.
If you are not sure about this procedure talk to your healthcare professional and get your thyroid tested.