Serves 3.
Add half a glass of water to the blender before inserting the fruit. The water needs the blades to spin. Otherwise, the contents will not blend.
The high content of the juice will increase its volume.
One slim slice of Pineapple
One whole Yellow Grapefruit
A half Banana
A thin slice of Rock Melon
A small Red Apple
A half slice of brown-skinned pear
A half slice of ripened green pear
A half of Orange
Eight Blue Berries
Two Strawberries
Half a avocado
Eight each of green, red or black grapes
Half a Mango
Before I place the grapes and strawberries into the blender, I rinse them under cold running water.
Add a small dried Star Anise
A sprinkling of Cinnamon
Both spices used in this Grapefruit smoothie will subdue the tartness of this drink.
Remove the skins and seeds, where applicable, from the following fruit;
Orange, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Mango, Banana and Rock Melon.
Please do not remove the skins from the following fruit;
Red Apple and Pears
I hope you enjoy this drink as much as I do.
Julie Eden