Nature's Trinity

Fast Food Shop – Suspected (MSG) Poisoning

Fast Food Shop Poisoning

Fast Food Shop – Suspected (MSG) Poisoning

On the 30th of July, 2022, I purchased a salad and chose a condiment for extra flavouring.

I had consumed this food by seven o’clock that evening and retired by ten. I was not feeling the best at this stage and thought I would get some sleep and feel okay by morning.

Sometime in the early hours of the following day, I awoke to excruciating pain.

I felt the pain on the left side of my body, especially my head, like it was exploding; every time I moved my head, I felt pain. I do not suffer from headaches usually.

I suspected; that I was suffering from MSG poisoning because I had an allergic attack on my body many years ago and recognised the symptoms.

So instead of seeing a Doctor, I decided to try and treat myself by going on a three-day water fast, hoping to flush the poison out of my body.

On the fourth day, I was lightheaded and did not feel like introducing solid food back into my body. Whenever I looked at the fruit bowl or other food, I felt ill.

Towards the end of the week, I felt a little bit better and continued to drink water and fruit juices. I slowly introduced solid foods into my diet.

My left leg was itchy; I scratched to relieve it. In doing so, it bled and would not stop bleeding until I applied a band-aid to stop it.

A couple of days later, I removed the band-aid and noticed a scab had formed, and I decided to leave it until the body was ready to release it.

The injured site formed two scabs; each time one was removed by another remedy I used, it did not heal.
In my youth, I did it this way by eliminating the band-aid allowing the air to flow freely and causing a scab to form. The scab fell off within days.

The skin surrounding the injury was dry, and I peeled the skin away in sheets. I applied cold-pressed organic coconut solidified oil to stop the skin from drying.

I have used several different remedies, none of which enhanced the healing.

My leg swelled to an enormous size, and the injury caused discomfort when sitting or standing. I could see the redness around the injury site and felt the heat emanating.

Exercising the foot seemed to cause a lot of pain initially, and when I continued, it appeared to ease it. I still walk with a noticeable limp until it properly heals.

Eight weeks later, I decided to see a Doctor about the leg injury, and the Doctor supplied me with a course of antibiotics.

On two occasions several years apart, thinking of a safer food alternative, I purchased a vegetable burger only to find that after I had eaten it, I was not well. I thought I better remember this and never repurchase it.

Unfortunately, I had forgotten about my first experience with the burger and rebought it, only to be sick again.

Be careful when buying fast food. If in doubt, do not buy it!

To the very best of health,

Julie Eden

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