Nature's Trinity

The Voice Within

Besides our physical body, there resides within us a ‘voice within‘; a Spirit Body. This ‘Spirit Body’ survives after death and departs into another world.

This voice within is also our subconscious, the store house of wisdom and it has the answers to all our problems. The subconscious mind retains everything we think and do.

the voice withinThe more there is already stored in it, the more information it attracts. This process takes place through the ‘conscious’ memory. It stores all our thoughts and knowledge of our deeds.

What do we mean when we say “I’ll keep it in mind?” Exactly that! The subconscious is also our mind and memory.

We act upon our subconscious urges. It sometimes determines the choices we make in life, which either lead us to happiness or suffering. It is not always in our best interest because we “punish” ourselves for an unjust act we have committed or caused others to suffer.

When, in the choices we make, it leads us to misfortune, it causes us to learn our lesson or to find the happiness we have deserved or earned. Which ever the two possibilities it is, we must accept it! Either of the two is for our good – even the one in adversity – for it helps us pay off our debt for the ‘bad’ we have committed and let us find happiness again.

Our subconscious mind is also of great benefit to us. A problem we cannot solve, the right decision we cannot make will be rewarded with the right answer to our conscious mind (the brain) when suddenly we find the solution to our problem. It pays to leave the problem unsolved for a while, while we just think about it until our subconscious works out the solution without us being aware of it. And presto! In a few days, a week, or even in just a few hours, the solution makes itself known, and we are aware of the right thing to do.

Sometimes, but rarely, solutions like that come to us in the form of dreams, or even as a forewarning of an impending disaster. We have a certain ‘intuitive feeling’ whether or not to do a thing when we look at a decision. Or we have an ‘instinctive sense’, by liking or disliking another person when we meet them for the first time.

The subconscious mind also heals! While we are asleep, the ailing body is forever trying to repair itself, due to the influence of this ‘Inner Powerhouse!’ It is important, though, that we always think positively and not aggravate our disorders even more with negative thoughts.

Whatever comes out of the subconscious, it is always right! Its processes are much more reliable and much superior to our reasoning, which often leads us to make mistakes and the wrong decisions.

The voice within, the ‘Inner Voice’, never errs; if we only listen.


Y. A. Eden



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