Find that you’re getting sick often, or just don’t have much energy? The key to solving this problem is very easy; it’s all in your diet. The great news is that staying healthy is simple!
All of the degenerative diseases are self-inflicted because some people accept the advertising in the media as being the truth.
If people ate whole foods, simple foods and 50% of that food RAW, the population would have no problem staying healthy.
My Story
About twenty years ago, I noticed that as I was getting older, I was getting sicker and sicker. I had arthritis, fibromyalgia, candida, frequent colds and chest infections, migraine headaches and I was depressed. You might say that’s normal, it goes with aging, but I am going to tell you that’s not normal.
I started educating myself and reading books about health and attending numerous health seminars. Also, I took good quality supplements, (these supplements are not available in other stores I order them online, and they are manufactured here in Australia).
My Life Changed
Within two years all my ailments disappeared, and 15 years later I’m still healthy, and I’m 70 years old. I take over 90 nutrients on a daily basis, 60 of these are minerals, and all this nutrition comes in 3 different products. Minerals being the most important because full spectrum of minerals is no longer in our soils, therefore not in the food that we eat.
The Key to Staying Healthy
Dr. Linus Pauling, a winner of two Nobel Prizes, stated 60 years ago: “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a MINERAL deficiency.”
We have a self-healing body, and staying healthy is easy, it’s the natural result of giving our body the right building blocks. If we do this, our body will heal itself, and that is what I have experienced.
Eva Major