Nature's Trinity

How to Prepare Celery – A Quick & Easy Method

My video shows how easy it is to prepare celery by removing the strings from the back of the celery stalk…

I found this to be the easiest method of preparing celery, and it is a lot quicker;

I use a vegetable peeler and place it on the back of the stalk and run it towards the end of the celery stem to remove the course strings as you will see when you watch the video.

I have found over the years how difficult it was to chew through the course threads on the back of the celery stalk and I spent more time removing it than eating it!

Once the back of the celery stalk is smooth, I then cut it into small edible pieces and use it to garnish a salad or make soup, and I found that by removing these course threads first and then blending it, it did not contain a lot of these course strings.

Before using this method to prepare celery as described above, I was advised to cut the celery into smaller pieces without removing these course strings. I took my friends advice and made soup and found when cooked and blended I poured it into a mug (larger than a standard cup) I did not enjoy this soup as i spent more time removing the chopped strings while sipping it, I threw it out.

Do you have different ways that you prepare celery? If so, please share by leaving a comment below!



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