It stands to reason that a sunny day makes one cheerful and rearing to go!
We take our dogs for a walk, get the washing done and potter in the garden, all with great enthusiasm.
Not so on rainy days, cold winter mornings and windy autumns! Then we tend to sleep in, are too indisposed to get out of bed and are reluctant to start the day. Even our general mood seems to be affected!
We are then less talkative, more inclined to brood on depressing thoughts and we are less cheerful in our association with others!
Especially those who suffer depression do not find “weather moods” encouraging to “snap out of it”; whilst a cheerful, sunny day can be for them the promise of a “better beginning” from what caused their sadness in the first place.
All our moods, including those caused by the weather, can affect even our general well-being – if not powerful enough to do so directly – but certainly through our tendency to be aware of those conditions – and brood upon sicknesses and disorders we already suffer from and this interfering with the natural healing processes with adverse and negative thinking!
On bright, sunny days, particularly in spring, when everything rejuvenates and renews itself, the “sap within us” also rises and gives us more energy.
Even if we cannot make every day of the year as such a day of spring, we can fill the days of winter-gloom with rewarding preoccupations and the cheerfulness that comes with it! Instead of “moving sluggishly around” we can occupy ourselves with pursuing our favorite hobby, read a good book, write, cook a special something for the kids or the favorite meal for the family!
It’s amazing how much fun such diversions can be, even on a gloomy day, the distraction from it, and the satisfaction that comes with it cheers one up and fills hours of otherwise “depressing” thoughts with cheerful activity!
It does not matter what the weather is on the day, it’s up to all, on whether it’s a negative or positive outcome.