I learned 15 years ago that for optimum health, the body requires over 90 different nutrients, 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids. When I started supplementing with Colloidal minerals which means these are very, very small particles from plants which are suspended in water, it was then I noticed improvements in my health.
These inorganic minerals have only 3-8% absorption. Colloidal minerals have 98% absorption. Minerals are the most important nutrients, but we are not getting them in the food that we buy and eat. The soils are deficient (and they knew that is 1936), and that leads to mineral deficient plants. Mineral deficient plants result in mineral deficient you. We are meant to eat plants not ground up rocks that are sold as mineral supplements.
At the age of 50, I noticed that I was getting sicker and sicker. I had Arthritis, Candida, respiratory infection about 5-6 times a year, I was going through menopause, and I was depressed.
After I started on these supplements (not just any supplements like you get from supermarkets, chemist or even health food stores) my health slowly improved, and I got well and had been well for the last 13 years. I do not go to doctors if I do it is only for diagnosis and then I know what to do.
I decided to take control of my health and escape the sickness industry. Thousands of people are doing it Why not you? It could change your life for the better like it changed mine.
Wishing you the very best of health.
Eva Major