Want to know how to avoid getting gout and arthritis? Listen to this story…
A friend of mine who suffered an immense pain in her left leg and was not able to move until the pain subsided. Once it did, she drove to the nearest hospital and saw a doctor who, after listening to her description of the pain and what she was eating, gave her his diagnosis.
How To Avoid Getting Gout
Her doctor advised her to immediately stop eating meat, grapes, tomatoes and white bread because it caused a high acid build up in her body. These are the main foods she was able to recall.
However, I also ate a variety of grapes over several months and woke up one morning to find I could not move; I was in agony! I waited until the pain subsided and got up and drank water. After hearing of my friend’s condition, I knew what caused it and stopped eating grapes.
And since stopping, I have not had a repeat of this pain. It does not mean you have to give up eating grapes altogether, just eat it in moderation.
I have written an article called ‘No Other Fluid Will Replace Drinking Water.’
I always thought that Gout was an old man’s disease due to drinking a lot of red wine and never heard that women could get it until I heard about my friend’s diagnosis.
For years my friend was eating a lot of grapes, white, red, black and I found out grapes have an acidic compound when consumed in large amounts over a period may cause Gout/Arthritis to manifest in the body. She did not drink enough water, and neither did I drink sufficient water to flush the body.
Any condition that causes painful, inflamed joints due to sharp crystallised deposits of uric acid which your kidneys cannot flush out and it lodges in those joints will cause you endless pain unless foods consumed and eaten in moderation followed by water consumption to dilute the acid and flush it out.
My mother who was in her sixty’s at the time suffered from inflamed joints which were diagnosed by her doctor as Arthritis. When she sat down for extended periods of time she could not get up on her own; she called me to help her.
When my mother changed her diet from Meat Eating to Vegetarian – her condition disappeared. She is now 89 years old, and she no longer suffers from this condition, plus she drinks more water these days.