Nature's Trinity

Should I Be Eating Meat?

Here’s a question I used to ask myself, and I’m sure most people at some point in their lives will also ask themselves; “Should I be eating meat?”

It’s an important question.

should i be eating meat?According to the Bible, in the beginning, humans were plant and fruit eaters. Here’s what we find in the first chapter of the book of the Bible, Geneses 1:

And God Said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.

1:30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth. In which there is life, I have given every green herb for food.”

(Genesis 1:29-30, New King James Version)

Neither of these two verses includes eating meat – so why are you still asking yourself, should I be eating meat? Of course you shouldn’t!

I am astounded when I hear people say to me I am addicted to eating meat and cannot do without the protein meat gives me.

Watch the video on my article called “What is Eating You, Me and Everybody Else on The Inside” it is not you who are addicted to meat Watch this video, and you will learn more about the harm done to your health if you do nothing.

According to a chart I received many years ago, it compares the human anatomy to two types of vegetarian animals, namely leaf grass eaters, and fruit eaters and there is no comparison to meat eaters of the animal kingdom.

For instance; meat eaters have claws whereas leaf grass eaters, fruit eaters, and human beings do not.

Meat Eaters Distinction #1: Meat eaters do not have pores on the skin; the skin perspires through the tongue to cool the body. However, leaf grass eaters, fruit eaters, and human beings sweat through millions of pores on the skin.

Meat Eaters Distinction #2: Meat eaters have sharp pointed front teeth to tear flesh, leaf grass eaters, fruit eaters and human beings do not have sharp pointed front teeth.

Meat Eaters Distinction #3: Meat eaters have small salivary glands in the mouth (not needed to pre-digest grains and fruits), leaf grass eaters, fruit eaters, and human beings have well developed salivary glands, needed to pre-digest grains and fruits.

Meat Eaters Distinction #4: Meat eaters have acid saliva; no enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains, leaf grass eaters, fruit eaters and human beings have alkaline saliva much ptyalin to pre-digest grains.

Meat Eaters Distinction #5: Meat eaters have no flat back molar teeth to grind food, leaf grass eaters, fruit eaters and human beings have flat back molar teeth to grind food.

Meat Eaters Distinction #6: Meat eaters have a strong hydrochloric acid in the stomach to digest tough animal muscle, bone, etc. whereas leaf grass eaters, fruit eaters and human beings stomach acid is twenty times less strong than meat eaters.

Meat Eaters Distinction #7: Meat eaters, the intestinal tract is three times its body length so rapidly decaying meat can pass out of the body quickly. Leaf grass eaters, the intestinal tract is ten times its body length, leaf and grains do not decay as soon so it can pass more slowly through the body. Fruit eaters intestinal tract is twelve times in body length; fruits do not deteriorate as rapidly so it can move more slowly through the body. The human beings intestinal tract is twelve times body length. The food travels more slowly through our intestinal tract for our body to extract every nutrient until it gets expelled.

Meat Eaters Distinction #8: People match up one hundred percent with the fruit eaters and almost with the leaf grass eaters and no match at all with the meat eaters.

Author unknown for the human anatomy comparison to vegetarian and meat eating animals.

Being sick all the time is expensive! All you have to do is change your eating habits and do not include any meat in your diet?

Meat eating was never intended to play a part in human nutrition. It is considered barbaric that the humans who still enjoy eating meat have no idea on the pain and suffering inflicted on these animals.



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